Avoid These 8 Common Financial Mistakes Right Now To Save More.

Just avoid making these financial mistakes, wonders will happen to you.

Anas kazi
3 min readAug 23, 2021
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. But if you keep making the same mistake over and over again, it will be called madness. If mistakes are made, they should be corrected and care should be taken that they do not happen again. Some mistakes are made unknowingly, and those mistakes are hard to correct. Because time may have passed before we realized the mistake we had made.

If you are a student or you have just started earning money, then this article will be very useful for you. Because you won’t make these common financial mistakes in your life ahead. But for those who have been earning money for so long, chances are, you may have made those mistakes. But there’s no need to worry, mistakes can be corrected.


  • Not Making Budget Plan — This is one of the most common mistakes people make. Most people think they do not need a proper monthly budget plan. In my opinion, those who are doing this are just fooling themselves. No matter you are a high earner or a low earner, everyone should make their budget plan. Because a budget plan gives the exact idea of your financial situation and it can also give a proper direction to your money. And due to this, you would take wise decisions on your investment and monthly expenses.
  • Short Term Investment —Everyone wants to become rich in less time. Lack of restraint can lead you to a big mistake like investing for a short period of time. If you invest for a short period of time then there will be high risk and low returns. Always remember, you cannot build an empire overnight, it takes time. And that is okay. Be patient.
  • Earn Less, Spend More — Many people are in habit of spending more than earning. They don’t think twice before spending. Avoid doing this otherwise, you will be poor in no time. Instead of focusing on saving more, focus on how you can earn more.
  • Enjoying Money Before Having Any Emergency Fund — Be ready with your emergency fund and then enjoy your money. An emergency fund will definitely help you in your tough times. Always prioritize your things. An emergency fund will definitely help you in your tough times.
  • Taking Foolish Risk — If you want to be rich, investments are a must and risk is inevitable. But going for uncalculated risk is dangerous. Think twice from all sides before investing and taking risks.
  • Comparison — Comparison with others is one of the best ways to lose your money. Everyone is different so their priorities, mindsets, knowledge, and financial backgrounds are different. So, stop comparing yourself with others. Focus on your work. Everyone is running their race, so it is better to focus on your race. Learn from others but don’t compare yourself with them.
  • Spending Emotionally — Most of the time we make our decisions based on our emotions. And this is true with money also. We buy things that we don’t need just because of our emotions. For instance, Jealousy or envy is a strong feeling of showing fear or resentment towards other people due to their perceived superiority in a given field.
  • Unnecessary Subscription — Subscriptions are like the big hole in our wallets. After making my budget plan I realize that I waste more than 5 percent of my income on subscriptions like Netflix and TV channels. I think this is true with almost everyone.

So, these are some common financial mistakes that we unknowingly make. Try to avoid these mistakes and spend or invest your money wisely. Because these small mistakes can harm your financial health.

Hope this article helps you in some way.



Anas kazi

I am a writer and love to write about motivation and self-help.